WritingsThoughts on things

July 31, 2019 2 min read

Introducing React NHL Logos

An NPM package which includes the primary logos for all 31 NHL teams as well as the NHL shield logo in SVG format available as React components. React NHL Logos has a component for each team and NHL logo which outputs an inline SVG making it a breeze to manipulate, animate or alter directly.

National Hockey League Logos

Inspired by Chris Katsaras' React NBA Logos, I've released a variation for NHL logos. The repository is available on Github as well as a NPM package.

The package includes the primary logos for all 31 NHL teams as well as the NHL shield logo in SVG format available as React components. A few years ago I watched Why Inline SVG is Best SVG and it still remains a great explainer for why using inline svgs is better than using the various methods of displaying SVGs on a webpage. React NHL Logos has a component for each team and NHL logo which outputs an inline SVG making it a breeze to manipulate, animate or alter directly.

Below is part of the README for the package which details installation, usage and the available configuration options (there is only one right now) but I have a few more ideas for things like alternate logos that I hope to include in a future release.


$ npm install react-nhl-logos


import React from 'react'
import { DET } from 'react-nhl-logos'

const Example = () => {
  return <DET />

export default Example

or include all icons

import React from 'react'
import * as NHLLogos from 'react-nhl-logos'

const Example = () => {
  return <NHLLogos.DET />

export default Example


Size can be easily configured (Default of 100px)

import React from 'react'
import { DET } from 'react-nhl-logos'

const Example = () => {
  return (
      <DET size={60} />
      <DET />
      <DET size={140} />

export default Example

Results in

Detriot Red Wings logo sizes

DevelopmentOpen SourceReact

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